Optocomp is a program-dependent compressor with a smooth character suitable for master, bus, or instrument operation.

Its gain reduction and operation principle is modeled after beloved classic optical compressors.

How does it work?

At its core, Optocomp employs a feedback compression design. Unlike feed-forward designs in stock Ableton compressors, where the compressor responds to the incoming signal directly, a feedback compressor takes its cue from the output. This feedback loop naturally results in a more musical and smooth response, as the compressor is effectively "listening" to what it has already done and making adjustments accordingly.

This design inherently produces compression that feels more in tune with the musical content. Transients are managed delicately, preserving the dynamic nuances of the original material. The feedback approach offers a holistic approach to compression, taking into account the resultant audio post-processing.

Audio examples

FM Sustain
Hip-Hop Beats
Hip-Hop Beats Parallel Compression
Acoustic Drum Squeeze
Acoustic Drum Peak Reduction
Saturated Rhodes
Sustained Guitar
Bass Pad Squeeze
Bass Squeeze
Sustained Electric Piano

Program-Dependent Design

The term "program-dependent" refers to a compressor's ability to adjust its behavior based on the input signal. With Optocomp, the lack of explicit attack and release settings isn't an oversight; it's intentional. Because of its program-dependent nature, the compressor automatically, and dynamically adjusts the attack and release times based on the incoming audio's characteristics.

This automatic adjustment means that Optocomp provides optimal compression regardless of the material, eliminating the guesswork often associated with dialing in the right settings. The result? A compressor that's not only versatile but also incredibly easy to dial in.

The program-dependant design allows to dial the ideal compression amount and character with just an input gain dial.


Broad Application Scope

Despite its vintage inspirations, Optocomp isn't just limited to emulating old-school sounds. Its design principles make it a suitable candidate for a wide array of audio materials. From the sharp attack of a snare drum to the intricate layers of a full mix, its adaptability is one of its strongest suits. Whether you're sculpting individual instruments, tightening up busses, or giving a cohesive vibe to a complete mix, Optocomp delivers with precision and character.

In conclusion, Optocomp isn't just another compressor in your toolkit; it's a bridge between vintage methodologies and modern production needs. By understanding and utilizing its technical foundations, producers and engineers can unlock a world of sonic potential.


Material dependant attack, release, and ratio provide the smoothest gain reduction curves

Easy to dial in with only 2 main controls: compression amount and makeup gain

Captures the magic of transformer and tube saturation

High-pass sidechain to reduce compression in the low frequencies

Channel summing for stereo operation

Blend dial for parallel compression

Input and output RMS meters to match signals

Designed and optimised for Ableton Live

Authentic Look & Feel

All our devices follow the established Ableton Live design conventions and blend nicely with the existing selection of tools while employing a unique look. The color scheme adapts to the selected Live color theme naturally. While the design of our devices is functional, it also is easy on the eyes.

Optocomp is Push 3 Standalone Ready

Optocomp works great with Curves Equalizer

Try putting compressor post EQ — it will level out the dynamics nicely and will glue the whole range together

Monomono is a mastering house based in Riga, Latvia. We’re a collective of engineers and artists aiming to create the best tools for producers.

Why Ableton Max Devices?

Most of the artists we’re working with are using Ableton Live to produce their music. We’re using it as well, as it’s a wonderful tool for musicians and engineers with a great set of composing and mixing tools available.

While there are plenty of incredible plugins in the world, we felt there was room to bring our ideas directly to your Ableton workflow.

While most of the plugins have a code obfuscated for obvious reasons, we felt the opportunity to actually look behind the curtain and see the process is valuable to understand what is happening and how it works. We appreciate the transparency Max devices bring to digital signal processing.

Our experience at mixing, mastering and engineering and the power of Max, allowed us to bridge the gap and provide a new set of native-to-Ableton, beautiful-looking, and sounding devices that are easy to use and enjoy.